OPINION: Pets of all kinds bring out the best in us

Derek GoforthMidwest Times
Camera IconSome pets are less cuddly than others. Credit: VCG via Getty Images

Perhaps with the isolation imposed on my family and me over the past few weeks I have had time, or even cause, to reflect on what abundant blessings I have within my family and home.

One such blessing is my lovely cute cross-terrier dog, who is currently snoring at my feet while I sit and type my latest opinion piece.

As a matter of fact, I think she been asleep and snoring for the best part of the day — oh, to have a dog’s life.

But as I sit and type I can recall not many moments going by where she hasn’t been with me, by my side, my ever-faithful companion, isolation or not.

But my cat, on the other hand, is a different story. She, in stark contrast, has sat staring at me for a good two hours. I am nearly convinced she is plotting the best way to do me in but I love her all the same.


I have friends who love all things scaly and spiky — lizards, spiders and fish, to be more exact.

I have always been baffled as to the motivations for owning such creatures but they speak just as passionately about their beloved pets as I do my puppy and pussycat.

I couldn’t quite wrap my head around what people who owned these animals got out of the deal; you can’t hold a fish, can’t really cuddle a tarantula.

But it’s obvious I guess, relationships between owner and pet are just as diverse as the ones we have with our friends and family.

Some of us like a good cuddle and some of us like our space.

Some prefer partners who give us attention 24-hours-a-day and some of us prefer the moments to be short and fleeting.

But as with other opinions it is just that, an opinion.

The opinion of this Pom in Oz.

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