Albany Ring Road project reaches major milestone with opening of Albany Highway bridge

The Albany Ring Road is set to reach a key milestone on Thursday with the opening of the bridge over Albany Highway.
The bridge and its connecting ramps form the first grade-separated intersection in the Great Southern.
The Albany Ring Road is designed to boost road safety and the economic future of Albany’s port by reducing heavy haulage traffic in residential areas, while giving trucks more direct access to the port.
The first stage of the project, from Chester Pass Road to Albany Highway along Menang Drive, was completed in 2007.
Construction of the remaining two stages started in 2020 at a cost of $175 million.
“In the short term, the new interchange will improve traffic flow between Albany Highway and Menang Drive, before ultimately connecting with the remainder of the Albany Ring Road project to offer free flowing access from Albany Highway to Princess Royal Drive,” a Main Roads WA spokesman said.
Vehicles travelling from Menang Drive to Albany Highway northbound will now cross the bridge before using a loop ramp to join the highway.
Vehicles travelling from Albany Highway northbound to Menang Drive will enter the interchange loop through a slip lane then turn right to cross the bridge.
Main Roads WA is working with the City of Albany and the Menang Noongar community to develop an artwork theme for the bridge walls.
The chosen theme would likely to be carried through to the other two bridge sites along the Albany Ring Road.
Painting is scheduled to start in winter, along with revegetation and landscaping works.
Construction of the third and final phase, linking South Coast Highway and Princess Royal Drive, started in March.
The third phase will involve a bridge on South Coast Highway and another bridge at the intersection of Hanrahan Road and Frenchman Bay Road.
The project is expected to be completed in 2024.
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